MPS Tchoukball is a non-contact indoor team sport. Its name resembles the sound - ‘tchouk’ - that's produced when the ball hits the frame. It is fast-paced ball game where players are required to jump, throw and catch balls, as well as run around the court.
Our training sessions are held regularly by an external coach to prepare our teams for the annual Inter-School Tchoukball Championships. During training, our boys and girls persevere and embrace challenges even when training gets tough.
Teachers-in-charge |
Training Schedule |
Venue |
Mr Tan Jian Chye, Sam (I/C) Miss Tan Cassander (2nd I/C) Mdm Jamaliah Yusope Lamat Mr Thiliban S/O Subramaniam |
Day: Thursday Time: 3.15pm – 4.45pm |
ISH (Level 3) |
CCA Highlight(s)
1st ActiveSG-TBAS Inter-School Tchoukball Championships (Junior Division) 2023
Every year, the Junior players participate in the Inter-School Tchoukball Championships that is organised by the Tchoukball Association of Singapore. During the competition, teams from schools compete against one another.
In 2023, the boys took part in the Plate category while the girls took part in the Cup category. The girls clinched the 1st runner-up in the Cup category.

2nd ActiveSG-TBAS Inter-School Tchoukball Championships (Senior Division) 2024
Our senior players participate in the Inter-School Tchoukball Championships orangised by the National Tchoukball association every year. The girls’ team clinched the 4th place in 2024.
During the competition, the Tchoukball National Development Squad Coaches scouted for potential Tchoukball National Team players. two boys and one girl were invited to participate in the National Team selection trial.

Training sessions
Tchoukball is a fast-paced ball game where players are required to jump, throw and catch balls. Our training sessions are held regularly by an external coach where students will gain mastery in their throwing (underhand throw, overhand throw and side arm throw), shooting (jump shot and stand shot) and catching (two-handed catch and single-handed catch) techniques.
Before every competition season, our students attend additional training sessions. Theses sessions provide an avenue for our students to further practise and hone their throwing, shooting and catching techniques.
View the video below, featuring our students during one of their training sessions.