About Growth Mindset
Resilient, adaptable and agile students and staff who embrace challenges with courage, positivity, and a belief in their own growth and potential
To cultivate and champion a culture of growth mindset in the school, fostering resilience, innovation, and continuous learning
Programmes at a Glance

About Growth Mindset (GM)
Growth Mindset @ MPS
Growth Mindset @ MPS is a whole-school approach adopted since 2017 to raise our students’ attainment and motivation. It aims to foster a culture of care and excellence in the school and nurture students’ inner drive to succeed, through deliberate efforts to build a growth mindset (GM), an affirmative teacher-student relationships (TSR) and peer support and relationships (PSR).
What is Growth Mindset?
World-renowned Stanford University psychologist and one of the world’s leading researchers in the field of psychology and motivation, Carol Dweck, has discovered the power of our mindset. She believes that having the right mindset is key to helping students attain success and motivation. In her research, she discussed about 2 types of mindsets – the growth mindset and fixed mindset. She learned that people with a fixed mindset avoid challenges, give up easily, see effort as fruitless, ignore useful negative feedback and feel threatened by the success of others. Whereas, those with a growth mindset tend to have the ability to embrace challenges, persists in the face of setbacks, see effort as a path to mastery, learn from criticism and are inspired by the successes of others.
Her work on mindsets has inspired us to embark on a journey to learn more about growth mindset. Her self-theories or incremental theory has shown us that the brain is far more malleable than we ever knew.