INquiring and INspired Marsilians; INnovators of Tomorrow
The Science Department aims to:
Build on students’ interest and stimulate their curiosity about themselves and their environment. (Joy of Learning)
Acquire basic scientific concepts to help them understand themselves and the world around them. (Understanding Nature of Scientific Knowledge)
Develop skills, dispositions, and attitudes for scientific inquiry and apply scientific concepts and skills in making responsible decisions. (Demonstrating Ways of Thinking and Doing in Science)
Appreciate how Science influences people and the environment. (Relating Science-Technology-Society-Environment)
Programmes at a Glance

Science Curriculum Framework

The Practices of Science consists of three intricately related components representing the cognitive, epistemic and social aspects of Science.
Key Programmes
STEAM is an interdisciplinary approach to learning that combines Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. A collaborative effort between the Science and Mathematics department, STEAM@MPS aims to provide students with the opportunity to learn through exploration, sparking invention, innovation and joy of learning and to enthuse students to explore the areas of STEAM. STEAM@MPS nurtures the hard scientific skills of STEAM and the soft skills of collaboration, creativity and problem solving. Based on the engineering design process, lesson packages were designed for learning, via experimentation and problem solving with a focus on nurturing different components of 21CC, such as adaptive and inventive thinking and communication. In addition, students look forward to the many recess activities and assembly programs planned during STEAM@MPS week. Students are also engaged through the various STEM Playground Challenges hosted by Singapore Science Centre and James Dyson Foundation.

The Science SPARKLE
The Science SPARKLE lessons facilitate the learning of science for our lower block students. Developed with the aim of making science accessible and exciting, these lessons include a variety of experiments and activities that cover a wide range of scientific concepts in the revised primary science syllabus.
Students are engaged in rich discussions in class enabling them to retain learning in a fun way. The Science SPARKLE lessons are more than just experiments; They are catalysts for a lifelong love of science. It empowers students to explore, question, and discover with mental attitudes such as curiosity, creativity, integrity, objectivity, open-mindedness and resilience.
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” – Thomas A. Edison
Just like Sir Thomas Edison, the Science SPARKLE lessons encourage our students to not give up on the pursuit for solutions and be willing to take risks and embrace failure as part of the process.

Science@FaSCInation, a Science MTV (Making Things Visible) learning space, comes alive during recess. Students explore forensic science through investigations. The space allows them to see the applications of Science beyond the syllabus and use the process skills acquired in class to solve the crime. Students get the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities that ignite their curiosity and passion for Science as they play the role of a forensic scientist. Beyond forensic science, students can also engage in experiments that deepens their understanding and allows them to demonstrate ways and thinking of doing Science.