Cyber Wellness
Nurturing Responsible Digital Learners of Tomorrow
In line with the Cyber Wellness Framework, we strive to;
Develop our students to be responsible digital learners
Build a safe space and improve cyber well-being
Strengthen the peer support network amongst the students
Programmes at a Glance

About Cyber Wellness (CW)
Cyber Wellness (CW) refers to the positive well-being of Internet users. It involves an understanding of online behaviour and awareness of how to protect oneself in cyberspace. The focus of CW is about helping students to become responsible digital learners.
When navigating cyberspace, students should demonstrate respect for self and others and practise safe and responsible use. Students should also be a positive peer influence by harnessing technology for collaboration, learning and productivity, as well as advocating positive use of technology for the good of the community.
These are the key messages which students will understand:
Embrace the affordances of technology while maintaining a balanced lifestyle between offline and online activities
Be a safe and responsible user of technology and maintain a positive online presence
Be responsible for personal well-being in the cyberspace
Cyber Wellness Curriculum Framework

Cyber Wellness in Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) focuses on the well-being of our students as they navigate cyberspace. Our curriculum aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to harness the power of ICT for positive purposes, maintain a positive presence in cyberspace and be safe and responsible users of ICT.
MOE uses the CW framework to develop the child’s instinct to protect and empower him to take responsibility for his own well-being in cyberspace. The three principles, ‘Respect for Self and Others’, ‘Safe and Responsible Use’ and ‘Positive Peer Influence’ when adhered to will anchor a child’s well-being in cyberspace as he will then be able to make careful and well-considered decisions.
Key Programmes
Cyber Wellness Awareness Week
The Cyber Wellness (CW) Awareness Week was conducted in conjunction with the TDD week in Term 1. During the CW Awareness Week, students get to visit the CW game booths during recesses to learn more about Cyber Wellness and Cyber Security. This is in line with the Digital Defence, one of the six Total Defence pillars.

Cyber Wellness Pre-Assembly Talks
The Cyber Wellness (CW) Pre-Assembly Talks complement the FTGP curriculum on CW and are conducted every term for all students. The aim is to equip the students with the skills, habits, dispositions and the right attitude towards cyber wellness. The themes covered by these talks include Cyber Use, Cyber Identity, Cyber Relationships, Cyber Citizenships and Cyber Ethics.